Web Site Design for Shiho Furumaya
Shiho Furumaya is a photographer. She works regardless of genre and place she goes.
Other than photographing, photographers like her do lots of works mostly invisible to us such as photo arrangements, editing, and maintenance for equipment. So, she is too busy to give daily posts in SNS. I remember once she said “for clients and friends, I need to have web pages to show them my works ”, “web site would be the best place to set forth my photo style and put emphasis on it .” That is why she requested me to design her web site. Thus, I have been designing her web site based on two features. Firstly, renewal operation should be easy as much as possible without complex procedures. Secondarily, HP should be visualized clearly to let us know what kinds of photographs she is eager to take in the future. Adding to them, I intended to make this web site playful by placing global navigation as an icon and using RGB colors which allow us to imagine her active character.